
Hope, Fear & Elections

How Cultural Cycles Predict
Who Wins the White House

By Tyler Clark
Book Summary

Every 80 years America reaches a tipping point. Past tipping points included the Revolutionary War, the Civil War and World War II. Today, we’re in the Fourth Tipping Point (2015-2025). Will we avoid war this time around? This book answers that question (and many more) by telling the story of American history through the Echo Cycle, a 80-year cycle of four eras that always end in a tipping point. As a country, these eras push us to unite, divide, build or tear down. As individuals, they make us dream or despair. They also predict who we vote for. This book focuses on the latter, and shows how the Echo Cycle has predicted the winner of every presidential campaign in history. It also reveals surprising trends across time. You’ll learn:

- Why it’s 250% more likely to get re-elected during a Group/Fear era
- Why Generals are elected at a rate of 3 to 1 in Fear vs Hope eras
- How our two most unpopular wars (the War of 1812 and Vietnam) happened at the same point in the cycle
- How party allegiance wanes in Individual eras and grows in Group eras
- How Group/Hope caused the stock crash of 1929 and the housing crash of 2008
- Why Donald Trump’s victory was inevitable in 2016

After examining our past, the author makes predictions for the 2020s, 2030s and beyond. It’s an enlightening look at our future, based on events that have happened many times before.

“There is a mysterious cycle in human events. To some generations much is given. Of others, much is expected. This generation has a rendezvous with destiny.”

- Franklin Roosevelt

Who This Book Is For

If you’re a fan of history, then this book is for you. It’s also a handbook for marketers and political strategists. Tyler Clark is a marketing expert with an innate understanding of what motivates people to buy. As such, he looks at elections from a marketer’s perspective. In this book, he analyzes candidates' messages and dissects their campaigns, including speeches, posters, and television ads. As you'll learn, the candidate whose message best matches the Echo Cycle always wins. To see a preview of case studies, visit the Resources Page. To learn more about the author, visit the Author page. 


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Tyler Clark

Author and Marketer